Links to Supplements Roc Takes

Roc was born in 1948, BMI 24, in excellent physical shape and health, ran the Chicago Triathlon in 2021.

Below is a list of supplements Roc takes. After age 40 for men or menopause for women, our metabolic changes are often similar, so I suggest reviewing my choices below with a physician who is open minded about the value of supplements. For other ages and genders, see information here. At this link are choices other people have made.

Supplement Where I Why I When. What it
Buy it* Take it I take it Costs per
28 days

alpha-keto-glutaric acid, 300mg X X pm ** $7.96
AREDs AREDs AREDs am $5.88
Fish Oil, 1 or 2 g Fish Fish am $6.16
Genistein (see hazard) Genistein. Gen/hazard. am** $32
Red grape juice Juice Juice am n/a
Urolithin A UroA UroA am $4.12
Melatonin, 3 mg Mela Mela bed S,T,Th,Sat $1.85
Mito-C*** Mito Mito am and pm. $32.62
Olive oil Olive Olive lunch n/a
Resveratrol, 30 mg Resv Resv am $4.48
Spirulina, 1 g Spir Spir am $2.80
SAMe, 200 mg SAMe SAMe am $8.66
Taurine Taurine Taurine am $3.08
Tocotrienols Toco Toco Sunday am. $0.80
Triumph*** Tri Tri 1st, 2nd, 15th, 16th $20.00
day of each month
Vit B3, Niacin , 500 mg B3 B3 am $1.40
Vitamin B12, 500 mcg B12 B12 Sunday am $0.23
Vitamin D, 2,000 IU D D am $0.56

TOTAL to sustain your healthspan about $135/month
*These are the products I use, most based on cost, convenience, and reputation. I get $1 for each Mito-C and Triumph bottle sold.

**I used to take Genistein and alpha-ketoglutarate together at night, but the combination gave me indigestion. Since taurine and alpha-KG both reduce the risk for sarcopenia, I take them in the morning now.

*** Note these cost more as they have multiple ingredients