What This Website Does

  1. Disclaimer

  2. What nutritional supplements do you and experts take and why
    a. Introduction
    b. Consensus site

  3. Nutrition Investigator Newsletter

  4. Nutrition Website and Readings, Research Posters, and Classes Roc Suggests

  5. Supplements Designed by Roc

  6. Who is Roc Ordman?

My Mission

There is so much suffering in the world. Much of it can be prevented if people had better information about nutritional supplements and nutrition research results. Sadly, most commercial and even government programs do not provide accurate information. Since being elected to the American Society of Nutrition in 1994, it has been my mission to try to inform people with accurate information.

What I’ve Achieved

My nutrition newsletter has gone to over a thousand people worldwide for decades.

My research has been published about water-soluble vitamins, how to prevent cancer, and the benefits of vitamin C.

I have been selected for the Gerontology Research Group, which contributes expert opinion to my Nutrition Consensus section.

I have received patents on my nutritional discoveries and creations.

Two nutritional supplements have been designed by me. Learn about them here.