
Roc Ordman developed and takes Mito-C twice a day. I was invited to develop this nutraceutical in 2018 by a supplement company, MDR. Mito-C contains ingredients which have been shown in recent decades to delay protein misfolding, the fourth cause of aging. That error in our metabolism accumulates damage as we age, responsible for arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, and more. Mito-C contains only safe and proven ingredients, in which scientific articles document their mechanism of action. Taken twice a day, ingredients include 500mg vitamin C, 150mcg vitamin K, 10mg niacinamide, 50mg quercetin, 80mg EGCG, 50mg ALA, 50mg ALCAR, 50mg Tyrosine, 50mg Gluathione, 4.2 mg apigenin. It costs less than $40/month. For more information and ordering, click here.