1. Index all supplements - search here by specific supplement
2. Index to diaries of specific details of people trying to extend their healthspan
3. List of Roc’s choices for healthspan- Conclusions of what I do to lead a long, healthy life
4. Index consensus project
5. Index Theories of why we age and how to extend healthspan
6. Index Basis for Nutrition Investigator . index First reads - suggestions for what this site is about
7. Index Diets and Fasting . Index Disease
8. Index  Sports - carboloading, how to exercise, etc.
9. Index Pregnancy - legitimate studies on diet, exercise, early years of breast feeding for long term health
9. Index Research posters, readings, classes
10. Index Newsletters - headlines of nutrition research since 1990 from nutrition research linked to articles
11. Index to Supplements by age and gender  which the scientific literature justifies for healthy individuals to take
12. Link to Old Beloit College website with effective search command for prior to 2016

12. Index amino acid supplements . Index chemical supplements
13. Index Drugs/Pharmaceuticals.
14. Index experimental compound supplements
15. Index herbal supplements . Index multiingredient supplements like AREDsII
16. Index nutraceutical supplements
17. Index vitamin and mineral supplements