Fish Oil

Roc Ordman recently switched from 2 to only 1g of fish oil daily (Here is why). But below is overwhelming evidence of the tremendous health benefits of taking fish oil and eating fish. There are lots of reasons why: One of the most important discoveries is that fish oil, really omega-3 fatty acids, are essential in the diet so you can produce the cell membranes of your brain cells, and so your baby can produce a brain. Omega-3s also make anti-inflammatory molecules, while omega-6 from red meat produces inflammatory signals. Inflammation is a major cause of aging.
Follow the links below to learn about these amazing and essential fatty acids that are necessary for good health and increasing intelligence. Higher fish consumption is associated with better cognitive function in later life. (J Nutr Health Aging. 2009;13(3):198-202)

What exactly is fish oil?
What does fish oil do for my health?
What is the research justifying these statements?
What is a reasonable dosage of fish oil?
Is there other risk to high dose fish oil?
See composition of fish oil, olive oil, and flaxseed oil.