SAMe - S-adenosyl-Methionine

I take 200mg of SAMe each morning. There is research indicating its value in treating depression, Alzheimer's, arthritis, and cirrhosis of the liver. Here is a link to a place that sells SAMe much less expensively than if one buys it at the store, in bulk about 25 cents a day. SAMe is a natural compound, derivative of an amino acid. Children make plenty of it, which may be connected with them being generally cheerful and energetic. As one gets older, one makes less and less. It is essential for making and regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin.

The major symposium demonstrating its value for treating depression, reducing the risk of cancer and cirrhosis of the liver, and other benefits, was published in Nov, 2002, describing a symposium chaired by Lester Packer, the Professor who is the world's authority on vitamin E. Below are a few quotations. At the end is the key reference for the entire symposium.

SAMe is S-adenosyl-methionine, an amino acid derivative that occurs naturally, but one makes progressively less with age. It may be related to depression increasing with age. Its main function is to provide methyl groups, just like folic acid does. Methylation is critical in many biochemical processes. See the reference for lovely diagrams of the pathways.

Structure: an amino acid bound to a nucleic acid via a sulfur atom

PG. 1151S "Decades of research...have provided an extensive foundation for its use in clinical studies, including those on depression, dementia, vacuolar myelopathy, liver disease, and osteoarthritis."

Arthritispg 1154S "reported marked improvement in their osteoarthritis symptoms. Nine clinical trials in Europe and 1 in the US whith a total of >22,000 participants have confirmed the therapeutic activity of SAMe against osteoarthritis" "oral administration of SAMe (400 mg for 7 days)"

Depression, Alzheimerspg 1158S-9S "is involved in the synthesis of various neurotransmitters in the brain" [SAMe required to synthesize serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.] " doses of 200-1,600 mg/d, as effective as tricyclic antidepressants in alleviating depression.... SAMe may have a faster onset of action than to conventional antidepressants...may also protect against the deleterious effects of Alzheimer disease. SAMe is well tolerated and relativelyt free of adverse side effects, although some cases of mania have been reported in bipolar patients. Overall, SAMe appears to be safe and effective..."

pg 1172S "antidepressive efficacy of 1600 mg SAMe/d comparable with that of 150 mg imipramine/d orally, but SAMe is significantly better tolerated.

Cirrhosis of the liver: pg 1177S "a deficiency in hepatic SAMe may contribute to the pathogenesis of the liver in cirrhosis. The studies reviewed here are consistent with that hypothesis."

pg 1185S - diagram of ethanol abuse pathogenesis of cirrhosis

above citations from AJCN 76: 1147S-1187S

Dosage: The studies above have particular dosages. The tablets available at this site are the best size and cost which I have located. Based strictly on anecdotal evidence, a 55-year old takes one 5 times a week, a 50-yr old woman takes two every day. Note the studies above to choose more or less. Remember children make lots of it naturally, those who are depressed, older, or ill may find it useful.