Vitamin C 500mg BID

I, Roc Ordman, take 500 mg vitamin C twice a day - in the morning and at bedtime. Denham Harman proposed the free radical theory of aging (ref), explaining how free electrons generated in metabolism were responsible for most age-associated diseases (ref), such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and neurological diseases. Linus Pauling proposed megadoses of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that inactivates free radicals (ref).  Roc Ordman discovered that 500mg of vitamin C twice a day are necessary for people to maintain a saturating level of VC in the blood (ref)– any more Is excreted by the kidneys, and it is necessary every 12 hrs to prevent depletion.  Free radicals oxidize low density lipoprotein (ox-LDL). Ox-LDL is actually the harmful form of cholesterol. It is consumed by macrophages in the blood, which are converted to foam cells, which become sticky, and are responsible for plaque in the arteries, including the brain, leading to stroke and heart disease (ref).  Although oxalic acid contributes to kidney stones, people who take supplemental vitamin C have fewer kidney stones (ref).  Studies in Japan (ref) that are not publicized in the US show that older people with the highest level of VC in the serum have the lowest level of damage as a result of having a stroke.  A Harvard Professor speaks regularly at the Linus Pauling Institute (ref) about how the media often misinterpret research studies about VC to generate controversy and get attention for harmful effects of VC, when those stories are misinterpretations of actual results which consistently show the benefits of VC. 

Notes Notes from a 2021 Linus Pauling Symposium on vitamin C

Erroneous article on viErroneous article on vitamin C dosage