
Roc Ordman takes 1g akg daily as of research published in Science on 24 July ’20 pg 373 – Alpha-ketoglutarate is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle. This cycle in all mitochondria is the way we generate ATP, which is the energy source for everything our body does.  “Perhaps alpha-ketoglutarate supplementation could promote a healthy lifespan in humans…” It promotes maintenance of stem cells, which usually decrease as we age, preventing regeneration of immune and other cells.  In a 2016 article, “It is a nitrogen scavenger and a source of glutamate and glutamine that stimulates protein synthesis and inhibits protein degradation in muscles. AKG as a precursor of glutamate and glutamine is a central metabolic fuel for cells of the gastrointestinal tract as well. AKG can decrease protein catabolism and increase protein synthesis to enhance bone tissue formation in the skeletal muscles and can be used in clinical applications. AKG not only extends lifespan, but also delays age-related disease (in worms).” There is no known hazard.

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