Who is Roc Ordman?

Updated March 15, 2021

Dr. Roc Ordman, Ph.D.
Literacy Tutor, Spring Creek Elementary School
Chief Scientific Officer, Triumph Health Corporation
Author and website designer, Nutrition Consensus website and Nutrition Newsletter
Professor Emeritus and formerly Chair, Biochemistry Program, Beloit College, 1977-2015

Expertise: why humans age, antioxidants, vitamin supplements, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, human nutrition, consciousness
Background: Dr. Ordman received his Ph.D. in biochemistry in 1974 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a department distinguished for its work on vitamins. Since 1984 he has been conducting research on why humans age, and in 1994 was selected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for public service announcements about "Why Humans Age". In October, 1994, he published a paper in AGE on his discovery of the saturating dosage of vitamin C, 500 mg twice a day, which made the page 1 banner headline of USA Today. In 1996, he received a patent on his vitamin C dosage, which was reported in the New York Times. In 1998, he received a patent for a method for testing for saturating dosages of water-soluble substances in the urine, which can be used by individuals to determine if they are getting enough vitamin C, and other water-soluble nutrients in the diet. In 1996, he investigated the proper dosage for calcium supplements, and has a patent on his discovery. In 2006, he published a pilot study on finding the optimal dosage of vitamins C and E. In 2008, he published a piilot study to find the cure for obesity. He has published numerous papers since then. Upon retiring, he was invited to design supplements. He has designed two nutraceuticals, Triumph to reduce the causes for cancer and heart disease, and Mito-C to reduce protein misfolding that causes arthritis, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other age-associated diseases. For articles and purchase, click here.

PERSONAL: Roc Ordman is married to the former Dance Instructor and Director of Chelonia of Beloit and has six children and 7 grandchildren as of 2020. He taught many courses, from Nutrition to Nerve Signaling to General Biology to Physiology to "What are the rules of the game of life?" to Organic Chemistry to Science Policy. He has traveled throughout the United States and more than 36 foreign countries, has worked in academia at institutions like Tel Aviv University in Israel, in industry at companies like Ciba-Geigy in Basel, Switzerland, in the military as a Preventive Medical Officer while serving in Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia, and in medical institutions like Rush Medical College. He was a Kellogg National Fellow, one of 50 people in the nation selected as future leaders of America. He has been selected for the American Society of Nutrition, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Gerontology Research Group. He presents research often at the Linus Pauling Institute biannual meetings. In 2020, he began working as a literacy tutor to elementary school children.


Ordman, A., “A review of nutrients to extend healthspan and avoid cancer by reducing the amount of protein misfolding, free radicals, and calcification”, J. Cancer Therapy 11: 497-506 (2020)

Alfred Ordman, Nutritional Steps to Maintain Health and Reduce Cancer Risk”, J Cancer Therapy 10: 829-834 (2019)

“Room for a New Generation”, Roc Ordman, Science 351: 886 (19 Feb 2016)

Edward Folk, Tracy M. Downs, Alfred Roc Ordman, “Two Grams BID Is an Oral Dosage of Vitamin C to Reduce the Risk of Recurrence of Superficial Bladder Carcinoma”, J Cancer Therapy 6, (2015)

“Nutrition for consciousness”, chapter, “Fish Oil: Production, Consumption and Health Benefits”, Nova Science, 2011.

Alfred Roc Ordman, “Vitamin C twice a day enhances health”, Health 2 (2010)

Ordman, A.B., "Pilot study for an age- and gender-based nutrient signaling system for weight control", AGE 30: (2008)

Moser, L. R. and A. B. Ordman, "Design for a study to determine optimal dosage of ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol in humans", AGE 28: 77-84 (2006)

Ordman, A.B., "Background for the consensus conference on the value of consuming vitamin C and E supplements", AGE 22: 127 (1999)

Ordman, A. B., "Recommendations for Vitamin C Intake", JAMA Vol. 282 No. 22, December 8, 1999

Cone A, Danner T, Ordman AB, “Urinary excretion of calcium in students and mature women taking supplements.” AGE 19:164 (1996)

 USA Today, page 1, October 22, 1994

Gavin King, Michael Beins, Jennifer Larkin, Brett Summers & Alfred B. Ordman, “Rate of excretion of vitamin C in human urine”, AGE 17, 87–92(1994)

"Catalytically Active rat 5-alpha-reductase expressed in yeast", D. Farley, A. Ordman, and H. Nick, Terra Symposia Proceedings (J. R. Matias, ed.), Terra Foundation Press, Fishkill, NY, 1993.

"Expression of rat 5-alpha-reductase in yeast", Alfred B. Ordman, David Farley, Bernd Meyhack and Hanspeter Nick, J. Steroid Biochem. and Molec. Bio. (1991) 39: 487-92

"Agricultural Biotechnology for a Sustainable Environment", Kellogg Forum III, Kellogg Foundation, 1990

"The Role of Prostaglandin El in Ornithine Decarboxylase Induction By Tumor Promoters", Ordman, A. B., Jeffrey S. Cleaveland, R.C. Simsiman, and R. K. Boutwell, Intl. J. Cancer 37, 445 (1986).

"12-0-tetradecanoylphorbo1-13-acetate promotes tumors prior to initiation in two-stage promotion", Ordman, A. B., Jeffrey S. Cleaveland, and R. K. Boutwell, Cancer Lett 29, 79 (1985).

"The Role of Physical Scientists in Agricultural Development", Ordman, A. B., Agriculture and Human Values I , 20-23 (1984).

"Realism in the Undergraduate Science Laboratory," Ordman, A.B., Midwest Bioscene 11(1), 18 (1985).

"UDPG Dehydrogenase: Kinetics and their Mechanistic Implications," Ordman, A.B., and S. Kirkwood, Biochem. Biophys. Acta 481 , 25 (1977).

"Mechanism of Action of UDPG Dehydrogenase, Evidence for an Essential Lysine Residue at the Active Site", Ordman, A.D. and S. Kirkwood, J. Biol. Chem.252, 1320 (1977).

"Mechanism of UDPG Dehydrogenase", Ordman, A.B., and S. Kirkwood, Fed. Proc. 35 , 1751 (1976).


1. Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison - Biochemistry Thesis: Modelling of Predator-Prey Interactions in Continuous Fermentation

2. Post-doc - University of Minnesota - Enzyme kinetics of UDP-glucose dehydrogenase

3. Sabbaticals

a. University of Utah with Dr. Ray White - sequencing the human genome

b. University of Wisconsin McArdle Cancer Research Labs- mechanism of skin cancer in mice

c. Ciba-Geigy, Basel, Switzerland - Cloning and Expression of 5-a-reductase in yeast, drug design for prostate hyperplasia

d. Napa Valley, California - human nutrition and human aging

e. Kenya - Egerton University, HIV/AIDS grant development

f. Madison, WI-Primate Research Center, caloric restriction

Current Research Interests:

1. Educating the world about safe and proven nutrition
2. Clinical trials for Triumph and Mito-C
3. Extending healthspan and Theories of Aging
4. Evaluating usefulness and dosage nutritional supplements

If you have questions, please send a message to him at ordman@beloit.edu. He really likes email.