GDF11 Fair enough about GDF-11 never being a "magic bullet". I just remember hearing a lot about it and its promise, and it looks to be yet another dead end.

GRG person has an anecdote to report. I have been injecting GDF11 on and off for almost exactly 1 year. My total intake has been about 13500 pg. My maintenance dose is now only 20pg/week. For about 15 years I have had a wart on the inside of my right knee. It was about 8mm diameter. I tried several times to remove it by freezing and by using a commercial wart remover (salicylic acid). Nothing worked. In fact, over time, it grew in diameter. About 2 weeks ago I noticed that the wart was itchy. The skin around it was red. It was obviously inflamed. A couple of days ago it fell off. All that remains is a slight discoloration and a tiny bit of dry skin which looks as if it will fall off anytime soon.

Of course I can't prove that the GDF11 is responsible, but at least one paper has described that it appears to improve skin health. Perhaps it activates the immune system as well? The other supplements that I take have been largely unchanged for some years now so I have discounted them as causative. I also understand that sometimes warts spontaneously disappear, but this was so obviously an inflammatory response that I thought it worth a mention.

Growth differentiation factor 11: a “rejuvenation factor” involved in regulation of age-related diseases?”

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