
Fisetin (7,3′,4′-flavon-3-ol) is a plant polyphenol from the flavonoid group. The highest concentration of fisetin was found in strawberries (160 μg/g)

I think your fisetin dosage should be 2,000 mg/day - Paul; So that's the sort of evidence that might make me try fisetin (not the mice, I"m familiar with Baker's work) but feeling sharper and reduction of arthritic pains. - Harold
Emerging senolytic agents derived from natural products include fisetin. During the aging process, senescent cells (SCs) increasingly accumulate in tissues, causing a loss of tissue-repair capacity because of cell cycle arrest in progenitor cells and produce proinflammatory and matrix-degrading molecules which are known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), and thereby contribute to the development of various age-related diseases.

Other pro fisetin remarks Why not to take fisetin