Others Who Take Fisetin

 MW - He had to say that as he's not a medical doctor though his PhD is from UC Irvine Medical School. He didn't want to get sued for prescribing. He and his wife both take annual large doses of Fisetin and my husband and I are taking it also. I am taking it monthly per his recommendation following my radiation treatments. He's pretty sold on the use of senolytics. Doctor's Best brand (which is the one the Mayo is using for their current clinical trial), 1500mg (1/2 bottle) once per month for me, once per year for DH.

This trial — involving participants who had diabetes-related kidney disease — is the second clinical study of senolytics to be published by Mayo, but is the first trial to show that senolytic drugs, discovered by Mayo researchers, can remove senescent cells from humans as they did in numerous studies in animals. 

This is the dose Mayo Clinic used but it DID NOT INCLUDE quercetin, just fisetin only. Fisetin 20 mg/kg/day, orally for 2 consecutive days, for 2 consecutive months. Mayo Clinic phase 2 trial for frailty. dose protocol 160 divided by 2.2 is about 70 kg weight , 20 mg fisetin per kg. “Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan” in the journal EBioMedicine in October 2018 [1].

70 x 20 = 1400mg.I took 700mg. of fisetin all at once on one day only. The natural fisetin, which is easier to come by is from Japanese knotweed which is a relative of poison ivy. Which is why some people get a rash. I got little itchy places that came and went for a couple weeks, not too bad, but it you are allergic to poison ivy, I would reconsider using it. It stuck in my throat and I needed to clear my throat multiple times that night.

I noticed my joints felt a little better for a couple of months. But you can see I only took it one day only on one occasion.My wife and I have done senolytic sessions of Bioperine and then an hour later Dasatinib + Quercetin + Fisetin all at once several times with no significant side effects…After having done about 9 months of self-experimentation with the effects of Dasattinib + Quercetin (D+Q) and Fisetin senolytic burst-treatments, I and others in my family have noticed that senolytics with D+Q tends to induce transient flu-like symptoms and a half-day or so feeling of un-wellness, while Fisetin, even taken in 2,000 mg/day doses, does not. The research on mice indicates that the two senolytic treatments have roughly the same level of senolytic effectiveness.  Therefore, I speculate that in the D+Q treatment the immune system is going autophagous, destroying the senescent cells while leaving behind considerable symptom-producing molecular debris, while the Fisetin treatment is triggering aptosis, the natural dismantling of cells that is relatively clean, with little leftover molecular debris. - JC