More comments from people taking alpha-ketoglutarate
From KM: If you haven't seen it already, I suppose you may be interested in a histogram of 262 reported changes in life span for alpha-ketoglutarate that I summarized in February here. The average change in life span was +6%.
Buck’s new peer-reviewed study of alpha-ketoglutarate shows a significant reduction in frailty in older mice, resulting in compression of late-life morbidity
Here's a note I just got from a Buck Institute researcher: Regarding alpha-ketoglurate, I discovered that the sodium salt suppresses many proinflammatory components of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) in human cells back in 2013. Colleagues in the Lithgow and Kennedy labs asked if I would share the data in support of their paper showing AKG extends lifespan:
From a GRG member: I decided to try AKG again (after many years). I bought arginine AKG powder from - the arginine should not detract but only add benefit. To mimic the time release AKG that is in the Rejuvant product (too expensive for me), I have been taking about 500mg 4x daily since July 3. I also increased my retinol a little to match the amount in that product. I have not so far noticed any changes either positive or negative, including that taking one 500mg dose right before sleep has not kept me awake.
We have been taking a total daily amount of AKG of about 720mg