July 30, 2022 Nutrition Notes

SUBJ: Here is a QR code for Triumph

SUBtitle: SSRIs like Prozac do not work

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SHORT NOTES: Here is a QR code for Triumph; Serotonin is not related to depression, SSRIs like Prozac do not work and has side effects of loss of libido and no orgasms; Hyperbaric oxygen therapy significantly improved the condition of 37 patients suffering from post-COVID-19 cognitive symptoms; Why we gain weight as we age- what matters most is how active you are; DIM from cruciferous vegetables kills bacteria and heals wounds fast; Truth about chicken, The average person has more than 98 pounds of chicken every year; all meats affect your cholesterol the same; nuggets from fast-food chains found they’re half meat; Patient with age related macular degeneration was successfully treated with Everolimus; foods for better circulation-cayenne relaxes blood vessel muscles lowering BP, beets have nitric oxide …; coronary artery disease often causes no symptoms Angina is chest pain or tightness, and shortness of breath are the only early symptoms, Eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and if you smoke – quit; ways to improve your mood and health-dance to your favorite song, read a book, schedule health care appointments…; Galleri can detect 50 different types of cancer at a very early stage, with 99.5% specificity; Depression is a common mood disorder that affects around 280 million people worldwide; People with afib who mediate for 30 min every other day had 8 events each vs 15 for the control group


LONG NOTES: Here is a QR code for Triumph.  I hope it may be marketed internationally soon

The Economist, July 23 2022, pg 77-Serotonin is not related to depression, SSRIs like Prozac do not work and has side effects of loss of libido and no orgasms. SAMe does work for depression!


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy significantly improved the condition of 37 patients suffering from post-COVID-19 cognitive symptoms. 


WebMD-Why we gain weight as we age- what matters most is how active you are, Starting in your 20s, you burn about 150 fewer calories per day. Your senses of taste and smell aren't what they used to be. You can save muscle mass by strength training. 


The phytochemical 3,3'-diindolylmethane (DIM) kills bacteria and heals wounds fast. DIM is derived from cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli.


WebMD: Truth about chicken, Around 2000 BC, people in India began domesticating the Southeast Asian red jungle fowl. Americans eat more of it than any other protein. The average person has more than 98 pounds of chicken every year. many arsenic-based drugs are part of chicken feed. Cage-free means they didn’t stay in cages, but it doesn’t mean they had outdoor access. Chicken has just as much protein as beef and pork without all the fat and calories. It also has almost 10% of the magnesium you need every day, plus iron to carry oxygen to your cells. Bonus: Chicken has high levels of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that makes mood-boosting serotonin. A recent study found that all meats affect your cholesterol the same if they have the same amount of saturated fat. Choose skinless chicken, baked not fried. don’t wash raw chicken before you cook it. wash your hands with warm, soapy water before and after you touch raw chicken. Use a separate cutting board, and clean anything that touches the raw chicken after you use it. look for labels that say the chicken is antibiotic-free.

Studies on nuggets from fast-food chains found they’re half meat. The other half consists of fat, blood vessels, nerves, bone pieces, connective tissue, and other fillers.


Patient with age related macular degeneration was successfully treated with Everolimus (a rapamycin analog).  Lady had breast cancer and was treated with everolimus for thw cancer... and got a bonus https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31712027/


WebMD-foods for better circulation-cayenne relaxes blood vessel muscles lowering BP, beets have nitric oxide that lowers BP, Anthocyanins in berries can help protect the walls of your arteries from damage and keep them from becoming stiff,  Eating fish not only lowers your resting blood pressure; it can help keep your arteries clear and unclogged, pomegranates’ antioxidants and nitrates

widen (dilate) your blood vessels and lower your blood pressure, and maintain mitochondria [which is why I have added ellagaic acid to my supplement list], garlic contains a sulfur compound called allicin that helps your blood vessels relax, nuts, especially walnuts. These crinkly-skinned nuts are rich in alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid, which may help blood move smoothly, grapes encouraged blood vessels to relax and curb inflammatory and other molecules in the blood that could make blood sticky, curcumin in turmeric may boost production of nitric oxide, which can help make your blood vessels wider, a study found that a diet rich in spinach helped keep arteries flexible and helped lower blood pressure, antioxidants found in oranges may help lower inflammation, prevent blood clots, and improve blood circulation.


WebMD- CAD stands for coronary artery disease. blood flow through your arteries to your heart slows down or even stops. CAD often causes no symptoms early on. Angina is chest pain or tightness, and shortness of breath are the only early symptoms.

 CAD can be brought on by smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, or lack of exercise. High blood cholesterol can form plaque -- fatty buildup inside your arteries, greatly prevented by decreasing oxidized LDL which vitamin C twice a day or Mito-C are for. Ongoing inflammation causes plaque to form, build up, and break off into clots that cause heart attacks or strokes. Older age and family history raise your risk of CAD. People who are Black or South Asian are also at higher risk.  Eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and if you smoke -- quit. Try to lose weight if you’re overweight or obese. And find ways to reduce and manage your stress. 


AARP-ways to improve your mood and health-dance to your favorite song, read a book, schedule health care appointments, get an electric toothbrush, just 20 minutes out of your day outdoors, breathe in for about five to six seconds, then exhale for about five to six seconds,  thank every person, Take a social media break, Say ‘no’ more often, Start by keeping your brain challenged and learning at every age, Be more social, dwell on thoughts that were both pleasurable and meaningful, Practice kind self-affirmations, Find the glass half full,  play games like cards, chess or bingo for your brain muscle, Clean and declutter your space, make yourself laugh anyway, Find your favorite poem, a person could potentially lower their systolic blood pressure by 0.45 points for every 1,000 steps taken daily. A study in Arthritis Care & Research reported that walking 6,000 steps a day may be enough to prevent functional mobility issues in those with or at risk of osteoarthritis of the knee, Do a good deed.

Someone recently got a cancer screen performed at Precision Regenerative Medicine in Austin, TX. It occurred to me that the group might be interested. My test results are attached. Galleri can detect 50 different types of cancer at a very early stage, with 99.5% specificity and a 0.5% false positive rate. This is pretty amazing stuff.  $895

WebMD-looks like depression but isn’t-Depression is a common mood disorder that affects around 280 million people worldwide, Health issues like vitamin D deficiency, anemia, or an undiagnosed condition such as autism can look a lot like depression, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder causes your brain and spinal cord to process pain signals with more intensity, Lyme Disease, hypothyroidism — a condition in which your thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones — can cause fatigue, weight gain, and memory problems, many people with inattentive-type ADHD experience fatigue from trying to focus,

Heart study-People with afib who mediate for 30 min every other day had 8 events each vs 15 for the control group