June 11 2022 Nutrition Notes

SUBJ: Important information for pregnancy

SUBtitle: Benefits of dark chocolate and much more this week

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SHORT NOTES: the most important Science articles I have read about how to be pregnant and improve the life of your child; Cocoa extract supplementation reduced CVD death by 27%; 15 things your body needs as you age- vitamin D, B6, B12, probiotics, omega3s, …; "Daily consumption of one teaspoon of trehalose can help maintain glucose homeostasis; for every point of muscle strength, Alzheimers risk dropped 43%, grip strength reduced risk of depression; the anti-aging effects of statins are linked to their ability to inhibit telomere shortening; Among compounds discussed for human longevity are curcumin, resveratrol, and EGCG;  best way to lose belly fat-eat more fiber, Drink water…; Exercise increases deficient NAD+ in aging mitochondria; Increasing fiber intake modulates fecal metabolites and microbes associated with gastrointestinal health; anti-inflammatory nutrients and unprocessed foods are associated with longer telomeres, epigenetic rejuvenation, and improved cognition; In mice, niacin (vitamin B3) supplementation helps Alzheimer’s.


Pregnancy for my doctor – I have a wonderful nurse who told me one of my doctors in getting pregnant.  So I compiled some of the most important Science articles I have read about how to be pregnant and improve the life of your child.  I do not include the literature research I did to increase my chance of having a son from 50% to 90%. But it did succeed!

I love dark chocolate. The Kuna Indians who reside in an archipelago on the Caribbean Coast of Panama have very low blood pressure levels, live longer than other Panamanians, and have a reduced frequency of myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes mellitus, and cancer -- at least on their death certificates. One outstanding feature of their diet includes a very high intake of flavanol-rich cocoa. Flavonoids in cocoa activate nitric oxide synthesis in healthy humans. Effect of cocoa flavanol supplementation for the prevention of cardiovascular disease events: the COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS) randomized clinical trial. Cocoa extract supplementation did not significantly reduce total cardiovascular events among older adults but reduced CVD death by 27%. 

WebMD – 15 things your body needs as you age-Calcium (I question this, you need vitamin D and exercise, not excess calcium), [vitamin D, B6, B12, probiotics, omega3s,   (All of my supplement choices)], Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Folate, Fiber, Selenium (two Brazil nuts a day, do not overdose with a supplement).

   "Daily consumption of one teaspoon of trehalose can help maintain glucose homeostasis: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial conducted in healthy volunteers". Our findings suggest that trehalose helps lower postprandial blood glucose in healthy humans with higher postprandial glucose levels within the normal range, and may therefore contribute to the prevention of pathologies that are predisposed to by postprandial hyperglycemia,, even if the daily intake of trehalose is only 3.3 g, an amount that is easily incorporated into a meal.

AARP-to live longer: for every point of muscle strength, Alzheimers risk dropped 43%, grip strength reduced risk of depression, less muscle strength was associated with 22 pounds of weight gain in 20 yrs,  greater risk of heart disease, diabetes 63% more likely, most likely to die of cancer. Get plenty of protein and build muscles for happiness.


Recent evidence suggests that the anti-aging effects of statins are linked to their ability to inhibit telomere shortening by reducing either directly and indirectly oxidative telomeric DNA damage, as well as by a telomere capping proteins dependent mechanism.

Human longevity has increased dramatically during the past century. More than 20% of the 9 billion population of the world will exceed the age of 60 in 2050. The interventions are classified into two groups: lifestyle modifications and pharmacological/genetic manipulations.  Currently, many antiaging compounds target the calorie-restriction mimetic, autophagy induction, and putative enhancement of cell regeneration, epigenetic modulation of gene activity such as inhibition of histone deacetylases and DNA methyltransferases, are under development. Among compounds discussed are curcumin, resveratrol, and EGCG,

WebMD-best way to lose belly fat-eat more fiber, There are no “super foods” that burn off visceral fat. And you can’t tone it away with specific moves like crunches. Instead, look for ways to upgrade your eating habits and add activity every day.  limit the “saturated” kind that’s in animal foods, coconut and palm oils, and full-fat dairy.  Research shows that a few quick bursts of high-intensity exercise -- such as a 30-second sprint or intense pullup set -- may be more effective, and easier to fit into your schedule. Sleep – more or less than 6-8 hours adds belly fat.  Liposuction doesn’t reach inside the abdominal wall. So it can’t get rid of visceral belly fat. Likewise, crash diets aren’t the solution, either. You’re too likely to go off them. The slower, steadier option -- lifestyle changes that you can commit to for a long time -- really is the best bet.

 the “stress hormone” cortisol can boost belly fat. Drink water!! healthy middle-aged men who did 20 minutes of daily weight training gained less abdominal fat than men who spent the same time doing aerobic exercises,


Exercise increases deficient NAD+ in aging mitochondria. Aging is associated with decreased NAD+ production, which is critical for maintaining tissue and metabolic homeostasis. Here, we identified that moderate intensity exercise in humans can result in the release of NAMPT in extracellular vesicles, that when delivered to recipient cells promotes NAD+ biosynthesis and SIRT1 activity. Our findings show an exercise-based mechanism for the production of NAD+ that differs between age groups, moderated by the release of eNAMPT in EVs.

Increasing Resistant starch (fiber) intake of healthy adults by substituting refined conventional (whole) wheat with refined high-amylose wheat modulates fecal metabolites and microbes associated with gastrointestinal health.

Contribution of Biological Age-Predictive Biomarkers to Nutrition Research: A Systematic Review of the Current Evidence and Implications for Future Research and Clinical Practice finds anti-inflammatory nutrients and unprocessed foods are associated with longer telomeres, epigenetic rejuvenation, and improved cognition. Protective effects for branched-chain amino acids, calcium and vitamin D and a diet of a lower inflammatory index, whereas they found shorter telomeres in people consuming more processed foods and arachidonic acid and other pro-inflammatory compounds. Five studies examined the associations between plasma nutrition biomarkers and cognitive function, and found a protective effect for high-density lipoprotein, vitamins B, C, D, and E, lycopene, carotenoids, ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids, whereas trans fatty acids and fibrinogen correlated with a decline in cognitive function. 

In mice, niacin (vitamin B3) Supplementation Helps Alzheimer’s Patients