June 4 2022 Nutrition notes

SUBJ: Care for your microbiomme

SUBtitle: Active niacin has benefits

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SHORT NOTES: “The bulk of the microbiome is in the gut, but distinct microbial communities exist on the skin and in the mouth, nose, lungs, and genital tract, preventing the development of autoimmunity, allergies, metabolic diseases, and even cancer.

KEY LESSONS-Avoid antibiotics, eat plenty of fiber, eat kefir, kimchi or yogurt regularly, natural birth and breast feed; Why I take 3 mg of melatonin 4 times a week;

Active niacin has benefits in de-myelination disorders, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, dementia & Alzheimer’s; High intensity interval training is great to prevent sarcopenia- high-intensity exercise (≥90%VO2max for 6 s to 4 min) alternate with recovery periods of either low-intensity exercise or rest (ranging from 20% to 40% VO2max for 10 s to 5 min); Davunetide is a novel neuroprotective peptide that is thought to impact neuronal integrity and cell survival preventing conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, and neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's; the protective role of vitamin D in Inflammatory bowel disease;  subjective quality of sleep (PSQI) was correlated with direction and degree of handedness ;  WebMD blood sugar warnings; AARP colon cancer warnings.


Science 27 May Focus: Microbiome: pg 932 “The bulk of the microbiome is in the gut, but distinct microbial communities exist on the skin and in the mouth, nose, lungs, and genital tract. The human microbiome has important roles in maintaining homeostasis, and disruption of microbial colonization of an infant has systemic effects that may influence health later in life, potentially promoting the development of autoimmunity, allergies, metabolic diseases, and even cancer. If a microbial population is disrupted by antibiotics or a low-fiber diet, then pathogens can gain advantage, resulting in systemic infection and inflammation.” Pg 935 – oral microbiota in teeth and tongue affect colorectal cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Pg 936-Brain function requires microbiota rto control neurological disease. Amyotrphic lateral sclerosis and autism may be caused by unhealthy microbiome. Pg 943-skin microbiome regulates lung inflammation, pain, and cancer. Pg 945-Immune – microbiome interactions in early life determine health and disease long term- Natural birth and breast feeding are vital to establish initial microbiome in a child.

KEY LESSONS-Avoid antibiotics, eat plenty of fiber, eat kefir, kimchi or yogurt regularly, natural birth and breast feed.

     Why I take 3 mg of melatonin 4 times a week. There is no requirement for melatonin.  However, in my long notes, I reported that I began taking it decades ago.  I, Roc Ordman, take 3 mg of melatonin four nights a week. I learned at an AGE meeting years ago that taking melatonin turns off genes that make us old, and turns on genes that make us young, but that presentation was never published. In 2020, Advances in Nutrition reported that daily doses of melatonin over 1mg converts white adipocytes which store fat into brown adipocytes which burn fat and produce muscle.  Daily melatonin (at least 1mg up to 5) reduces obesity in post-menopausal women. In response to treatment, fat mass decreased in the melatonin group by 6·9% compared to placebo. A borderline significant increase in lean mass of 5·2% was found in the melatonin group compared to placebo. Mar 2020 Adv Nut.  And all of that is now reinforced by its effects preventing/helping arthritis.  I still go with 3mg 4 times a week, so that my body continues to make melatonin naturally the other three days.  In addition to the pineal gland where it is made to promote sleep, they have now found that it is made in many other organs, likely promoting these many other benefits.

     3 mg melatonin is a common dosage for melatonin in trials.  Optimal dosages for melatonin supplementation therapy in older adults: a systematic review of current literature.  In older adults, we advise the use of the lowest possible dose of immediate-release formulation melatonin to best mimic the normal physiological circadian rhythm of melatonin and to avoid prolonged, supra-physiological blood levels. Pre- and post-intervention levels revealed a significant elevation of the post-intervention melatonin levels in a dose-dependent fashion.

Double Blind Study of Melatonin Effects on the Sleep-wake Rhythm, Cognitive and Non-cognitive Functions in Alzheimer Type Dementia used 3 mg dosage and found improvements in sleep and cognition. Melatonin administration at a dose of 1 mg nightly may be effective in improving certain aspects of cognitive functioning and subjective reports of sleep quality in elderly subjects.  Another study used 3 mg in healthy people and found it contributed well to healthy sleep. 

Active niacin has benefits in de-myelination disorders, MS, Parkinson’s Disease, dementia & Alzheimer’s. Niacin also appears to reduce certain  tumors: Glioblastoma,… new data in 2020. Control of brain tumor growth by reactivating myeloid cells w niacin.  Here’s a link to “Niacin-for-PD-Parkinson's” in a person’s Dropbox:

High intensity interval training is great to prevent sarcopenia. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) proposed every adult to strengthen and maintain the functions of cardiopulmonary through moderate exercise 30–60 min per day (≥5d per week), or vigorous exercise 20–60 min per day (≥3d per week), or a combination of moderate and vigorous exercise per day (≥3-5d per week). High intensity interval training (HIIT) is characterized by repeated short to long bouts of relatively high-intensity exercise (≥90%VO2max or >90–95% HRmax for 6 s to 4 min) alternate with recovery periods of either low-intensity exercise or rest (ranging from 20% to 40% VO2max for 10 s to 5 min), emerged as an alternative for traditional continuous training.  Firstly, HIIT displays comprehensive effects on exercise capacity and skeletal muscle metabolism. HIIT induces great growth of muscle, prevents skeletal muscle atrophy, and improves the motor function via promoting great phosphorylation of mTOR and rps6 and inducing the expression of transcriptional coactivator peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α), which is crucial for mitochondrial biogenesis.  Sarcopenia, an age-related disease characterized by loss of muscle strength and muscle mass, has attracted the attention of medical experts due to its severe morbidity, low living quality, high expenditure of health care, and mortality. Traditionally, persistent aerobic exercise (PAE) is considered as a valid way to attenuate muscular atrophy. However, nowadays, high intensity interval training (HIIT) has emerged as a more effective and time-efficient method to replace traditional exercise modes. compared with PAE, HIIT showed similar or even higher effects in improving muscle strength, enhancing physical performances and increasing muscle mass of elder people. 


Researchers found that a mutation in genes ADNP and SHANK3 causes conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, and neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. Davunetide is a novel neuroprotective peptide that is thought to impact neuronal integrity and cell survival through the stabilization of microtubules.


Accumulating evidence supports the protective role of vitamin D in Inflammatory bowel disease through regulating the adaptive and innate immunity, maintaining the intestinal barrier and balancing the gut microbiota. This report aims to provide a broad overview of the role vitamin D in the immune system, especially in the pathogenesis and treatment of IBD, and its possible role in predicting relapse.


In both premenopausal women and > 55-year-old men subjective quality of sleep (PSQI) was correlated with direction and degree of handedness (the more right-handed/lateralized the better). In the total sample and postmenopausal women, the degree and direction of handedness were negatively correlated with daytime sleepiness. 

WebMD blood sugar warnings: Makes You Pee More, makes you thirsty, dry mouth, cracked skin, vision blurry, fatigue, digestive problems, shakiness, sweat a lot, hungry, nausea, dizziness.

AARP colon cancer warnings: A change in bowel habits (think diarrhea, constipation or narrowing of your stool) that lasts for more than a few days.

An urge to have a bowel movement that’s not relieved by having one.

Rectal bleeding. “Any bleeding you see, even if it’s just one time, should not be ignored,” says Daniel Labow, M.D., executive vice chair of the Department of Surgery at the Mount Sinai Health System in New York City.

Dark brown or black stool (which can indicate blood).

Cramping or belly pain.

Weakness and fatigue.

Unexplained weight loss. If you have colorectal cancer, your body releases certain hormones into your bloodstream that can lead to weight loss, even if you continue to eat normally, Labow says.

Unexplained anemia. “It could be from losing blood from someplace like your rectum,” he stresses.