SUBJ: Obesity and high fat diets are harmful. Caloric restriction extends healthspan. Acetylhydrolase is why
SUBtitle: NIH states multivitamins have little or no effect on the risk of chronic disease
SHORT NOTES: Obesity and high fat diets are harmful. Caloric restriction extends healthspan. Acetylhydrolase is why; A growing number of self-appointed experts peddling misinformation drown out the voices of true scientists; Do I need a multivitamin? A. Not necessarily; Results showed that HMB (hydroymethylbutyrate) supplementation in addition to physical exercise has no or fairly low impact in improving body composition, muscle strength, or physical performance in adults aged 50 to 80 years, compared to exercise alone; Sex isn't just fun. It's good for you too.
Science 11 Feb 2022 Pg 621- Obesity and high fat diets are harmful. Caloric restriction extends healthspan. Acetylhydrolase is why- Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase is a potent phospholipid mediator that was first described by its ability to cause platelet aggregation and dilation of blood vessels. Now it is also known as a potent mediator of inflammation, allergic responses, and shock.
Obesity and high-fat diet stimulate platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase expression in mice, whereas caloric restriction in humans attenuates its expression. Through immunometabolic regulation in various tissues, it influences pathways that contribute to local and systemic metabolic integrity, immune regulation, and inflammation.
pg 609 – Evil of Social Media: A growing number of self-appointed experts peddling misinformation drown out the voices of true scientists, who argue with facts, not opinions. [ed. Note – While I hope to provide accurate information, I learned long ago there are no facts. There are only the latest hypotheses which are supported by experiments. Recall last week the article stating that we all may be a Matrix construction by some higher intelligence.]
NIH: Do I need a multivitamin? A. Not necessarily. Multivitamins can help you get enough of essential vitamins and minerals, but many people get all they need by eating a nutritious variety of foods. Plus, most studies show that multivitamins have little or no effect on the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer or heart disease.
Any thoughts on HMB for exercise/weight loss? Results showed that HMB supplementation in addition to physical exercise has no or fairly low impact in improving body composition, muscle strength, or physical performance in adults aged 50 to 80 years, compared to exercise alone. There is a gap of knowledge on the beneficial effects of HMB combined with exercise to preserve cognitive functions in aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Butyrate: Nine healthy (Lean) and ten obese (metabolic syndrome group, MetSyn) males. Oral butyrate supplementation (4g daily for 4 weeks) may be beneficial in reducing the overall inflammatory status of circulating monocytes in patients with metabolic syndrome.
AARP: Tips for great sex: Sex isn't just fun. It's good for you too. Every orgasm releases a flood of the hormone oxytocin, which improves your mood. Regular rolls in the hay could improve your heart health, reduce stress and depression, improve your self-esteem, and help you sleep better. Couples who talk to each other about their wants and desires have better sex and a healthier relationship, Spice up your sex life by stretching your boundaries as a couple. Play around with foreplay. Touch each other in new ways. Try out different sex positions to see which ones feel best. Dress up in costumes and play as characters (nurse-doctor, cowboys). Move from the bed to the floor, the bathroom, or the kitchen counter. Working out boosts stamina in bed and puts you in the mood. Exercise also creates a more toned body, which improves self-esteem and makes you feel sexier. Don't skimp on the foreplay. Not every romantic encounter has to end in sex. do something calming together to relax you, Do Kegels, Some drugs, such as antidepressants and blood pressure medicines, can reduce your desire.