Nov 6, 2021 notes
SUBJ: 6 to 8 hours of sleep is vital to health
SUBtitle: Fasting can improve health and life-span
See past newsletters here Thanks to the wonderful people who read my newsletter and tell me and their friends about their health and happiness. We had 500 trick or treaters this Halloween (Vispera de Todos los Santos).
SHORT NOTES: Poor subjective sleep quality is significantly associated with higher BP and prevalent hypertension; Six to eight hours of sleep predicted better long-term metabolic and mental health; light or moderate fasting can improve health and prolong lifespan; to reduce inflammation, get enough sleep, take a walk, use spices, fast 12 hrs or 3 days, eat greens, do yoga, lose weight, green tea; Higher physical activity (PA) and lower sedentary behavior (SB) were associated with better ability to complete the ability to complete basic and instrumental activities of daily living; medical innovations include the use of walk-in clinics, home-based care delivery, and telemedicine; Second-language learning (SLL) depends on distinct functional-neuroanatomical systems including procedural and declarative long-term memory; A higher frequency intake of fruits was associated with a reduced obstructive sleep apnea; the Adverse Impact of Incense Smoke on Human Health; SAMe reduces the risk of cirrhosis.
Poor subjective sleep quality is significantly associated with higher BP and prevalent hypertension
EXPLORATION of Sleep as a Specific Risk Factor for Poor Metabolic and Mental Health: A UK Biobank Study of 84,404 Participants. Six to eight hours of sleep, as well as less fragmented sleep, predicted better long-term metabolic and mental health.
Previous studies have shown that long-term light or moderate fasting such as intermittent fasting can improve health and prolong lifespan.
Our results suggest that short-term intensive fasting after 72-h fasting boosts immune function, in particular innate immune function, at least in part by remodeling leukocytes expression profile.
AARP: How to reduce inflammation: get enough sleep, take a walk, use spices, fast 12 hrs or 3 days, eat greens, do yoga, lose weight, green tea;
Higher physical activity (PA) and lower sedentary behavior (SB) were associated with better ability to complete the ability to complete basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL and IADL, respectively) in all longitudinal studies and overall results of cross-sectional studies supported these associations, which underscores the importance of an active lifestyle.
It’s clear that the traditional model of care delivery via brick-and-mortar facilities is inadequate. The innovations outlined in the article include the use of walk-in clinics, home-based care delivery, and telemedicine, among other ideas. In addition, the article speaks to the need for moving toward value-based payment models. The transformation is occurring. Some of us would even say, “Finally!”-Kevin Fichenscher
Second-language learning (SLL) depends on distinct functional-neuroanatomical systems including procedural and declarative long-term memory. Characteristic features of rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep such as rapid eye movements and sleep spindles are electrophysiological markers of cognitively complex procedural and declarative memory consolidation, respectively. In adults, grammatical learning depends at first on declarative memory (“early SLL”) then shifts to procedural memory with experience (“late SLL”). This supports the notion that sleep spindles are involved in early SLL when grammar depends on declarative memory, whereas cortical theta activity time-locked to rapid eye movements is involved in late SLL when grammar depends on procedural memory.
A higher frequency intake of fruits was associated with a reduced obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) risk and a diet with higher levels of consumption of animal innards, fried food, salted food, carbonated beverages, and non-carbonated beverages may increase the risk of OSA.
THE Adverse Impact of Incense Smoke on Human Health: From Mechanisms to Implications. The toxicities of incense smoke come directly from its harmful constituents and deposition capacity in the body. Besides, reactive oxygen species-driven oxidative stress and associated inflammation seem to be plausible underlying mechanisms, eliciting various unfavorable responses. Although our current knowledge remains many gaps, this issue still has some important implications.
A multidisciplinary team approach (MDT) can improve the efficacy and prognosis of patients with cirrhosis and improve patient compliance. After multi-disciplinary intervention, the mortality spectrum of long-term survival patients with cirrhosis changes, and the mortality rate of liver cancer and non-liver disease increases.[Note SAMe reduces the risk of cirrhosis!]