September 4, 2021 notes
SUBJ: it's not metabolism that governs your weight
SUBtitle: Wear a mask to avoid smoke/dust
My first day of teaching science to Spanish-speaking high school students was Sept 2. Magnifico! Lots of exercise and brain work. See past newsletters here
SHORT NOTES: it's not metabolism that governs your weight, we can focus on other factors, women's metabolisms were essentially the same as men's; Wear a mask as smoke and dust are very hazardous; Diet/supplements/activities limiting inflammation reduce all-cause mortality; Sleep parameters such as wake after sleep onset (WASO) and sleep efficiency (SE) may be adequate predictors for the incidence of ischemic stroke; Honesty study was based on fabricated data! ; Microbiota enhance cancer immunotherapy; Maternal infections decrease fetal immune health.
“If you're gaining weight it's easy to say, ‘Oh, that's my metabolism.’ It's almost like a scapegoat. Now that we know it's not metabolism, we can focus on some of those other factors.” What makes the study so groundbreaking is its scale: It analyzed things like energy expenditure from more than 6,600 people across 29 countries — from 1-week-old newborns to people in their 90s. There are four metabolic life stages, but they don't necessarily line up with big milestones like puberty, pregnancy or menopause.
Metabolism peaks much earlier — and starts slowing down much later, around age 60 — than formerly believed.
Controlling for body fat and muscle percentage, women's metabolisms were essentially the same as men's.
Within the larger population-based trends, individual metabolic rates varied significantly: Some subjects had rates 25 percent above average for their age, while others had rates 25 percent below average. “Your stress level, your schedule, your hormone levels, your energy levels are different in your 40s or 50s compared to your 20s,” Experts say these new understandings on metabolism will have implications beyond just weight control. For example, there may be applications for drug dosing as it relates to the rate at which your body breaks down medication. It might also change the way we treat diseases such as cancer.
These investigations demonstrate potent lung inflammatory responses and tissue remodeling in response to Salton Sea Dust in mice, in part due to environmental proteases found within the dusts. These studies provide the first evidence supporting a link between environmental dust exposure, protease-mediated immune activation, and respiratory disease in the Salton Sea region.
Prognostic nutritional index (PNI) is a promising indicator for predicting inflammatory, immunological and nutritional states. Low PNI levels are associated with an increased risk for all-cause mortality. PNI level is a potential effective inflammation-based prognostic tool for overweight and obese patients with cancer.
Sleep parameters such as wake after sleep onset (WASO) and sleep efficiency (SE) were objectively measured based on in-home polysomnography records. Our results revealed a relationship between WASO, SE, and sleep duration and ischemic stroke. Therefore, these sleep characteristics may be adequate predictors for the incidence of ischemic stroke.
Science 27 Aug 1) Honesty study was based on fabricated data! What a tragic “scientist”. pg 951 2) Microbiota enhance cancer immunotherapy. Some good microbiota to eat – Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus, Akkermansia.pg 966 3) Maternal infections decrease fetal immune health so stay healthy when pregnant. Pg 967
Muco ruido y pocas nueces – a full belly and a happy heart
all the difference.