Aug 21 2021 Notes

Title Booster vaccine works

SUBtitle: how to end global warming

Some real hope despite tons of American ignorance and poor health
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SHORT NOTES: Booster vaccine works; Watch Kiss the Ground on Netflix, how to end global warming; Energy expenditure in the human lifespan has three inflection points, rising in childhood, declining through adolescence, and declining more rapidly at age 60;  Only23% of Americans get enough exercise,, only 1 in 10 eats enough fruits and veggies;; 1 in 8 did not visit a doctor in the past year; 2 in 5 are obese, only 12% are considered health literate, “no wonder many do not get vaccinated”; Discover how does vitamin D signaling alter immune response to infectious disease; clinical and cardiorespiratory fitness reduced 5-year cortical atrophy rate in older adults; Successful trials for knee cartilage replacement; Preventing allergies in babies. ; Treating symptoms of Parkinson’s by Deep Brain Stimulation; validation of drugs that promote health during aging - genistein, tretinoin, chondroitin sulfate, and hyaluronic acid;  Telomerase therapy reverses vascular senescence and extends lifespan; that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin;  Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation- Black Oxygen Organics.



Pfizer booster vaccine works.  their 3rd anti-covid jab gave good results in the over-60s.


Watch Kiss the Ground on Netflix-hope to end global warming by sustainable agriculture, cows can decrease greenhouse gases!

Science pg 738 – Energy expenditure in the human lifespan has three inflection points, rising in childhood, declining through adolescence, and declining more rapidly at age 60. So of the fat layer after age 60 causes wrinkly skin and big bellies, even when you eat much less
The economist, pg 18, July 31 – Only23% of Americans get enough exercise,, only 1 in 10 eats enough fruits and veggies;; 1 in 8 did not visit a doctor in the past year; 2 in 5 are obese; Less than half of Americans are proficient readers; one third cannot read prescription-drug directions, only 12% are considered health literate, “no wonder many do not get vaccinated”.

Vitamin D plays an essential role in not only bone and calcium metabolism, but also cell differentiation, lineage determination, apoptosis, autophagy, and metabolism in diverse tissues throughout the body.  Discover how does vitamin D signaling alter immune response to infectious disease (e.g. COVID-19) and/or inflammatory diseases (e.g. IBD)? 2,000 IU daily is most recommended for healthy people.

EFFECT of 5 Years of Exercise Intervention at Different Intensities on Brain Structure in Older Adults from the General Population: Higher baseline clinical and cardiorespiratory fitness reduced 5-year cortical atrophy rate in older adults, while following physical activity guidelines was associated with the lowest hippocampal and thalamic atrophy rates.

Successful trials for knee cartilage replacement. Israel’s CartiHeal (see here ) has just announced successful results in the two-year trial of its Agili-C implant for 251 patients with damaged knee cartilage. Over 77% of patients said their condition had improved, compared to 33% of those who had conventional treatment 

Preventing allergies in babies. Israel’s MyOR uses AI models and predictive data from studies worldwide to forecast which newborns are at risk of developing food allergies and atopic dermatitis (eczema). This, plus a sophisticated skin test, gives pediatricians a tool to guide parents on how to prevent allergies.


Treating symptoms of Parkinson’s.  Aged 77, man was once completely debilitated by Parkinson’s disease. In Feb 2021, he underwent Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). Now, although the disease continues, most of his symptoms have gone.

The identification and validation of drugs that promote health during
aging (“geroprotectors”) are key to the retardation or prevention of
chronic age-related diseases.  We improved drug uptake for one of our predicted
compounds, genistein, and reconciled previous contradictory reports of
its effects on longevity. We identified and validated new compounds,
tretinoin, chondroitin sulfate, and hyaluronic acid, for their ability
to restore age-related decline of collagen homeostasis and increase
[study][mice]: "Telomerase therapy reverses vascular senescence and
extends lifespan in progeria mice" Previous Science article stated you are as young as your vascular system.

Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.

From a reader: Fulvid acid baby!! Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Lowered my golf game by 30 points this year and I have the lowest net on league...woohoo!!

When I purchased my bag of Black Oxygen Organics (BOO) I thought I was doing it mostly to try it out and report back so that my readers didn’t have to waste their money. I’ve done the same with other treatments, so that I can give honest feedback when asked about them.  And the literature supports our findings that this magic dirt  really lives up to the hype!