Aug 14, 2021 notes

SUBJ: Inflammation causes many ills currently plaguing humanity

SUBtitle: Mediterranean diet retains brain volume

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SHORT NOTES: “Inflammation causes many ills currently plaguing humanity.” How to reduce inflammation; lower adherence to the Mediterranean-type diet was associated with greater 3-year reduction in total brain volume;  30% of adults in the US are sleeping less than 6 hours per night, which increases appetite and obesity; cognitive impairment increases only male driver speeding; AARP: The 7 Worst Habits for Your Brain 1. You accentuate the negative 3. You drink sugary beverages 7. You don't have a sense of purpose; It is beneficial to eat watermelon rinds and orange peels; Amyloid plaques in the brain are a catalyst to the degradation of neurotransmitters.


Science 6 Aug pg 630 “Inflammation causes many ills currently plaguing humanity.” A growing number of studies explore how it causes diseases. Incarceration, environmental harm, and racism are major causes. Capitalist biomedicine is also responsible.  ”Social oppression preconditions the bodies of Black people in the US [to inflammation].” How to reduce inflammation.

Mediterranean-type diet and brain structural change from 73 to 76 years in a Scottish cohort.  In regression models adjusting for relevant demographic and physical health indicators, we found that lower adherence to the MeDi was associated with greater 3-year reduction in total brain volume

30% of adults in the US are sleeping less than 6 hours per night, which increases appetite and obesity.

While the overall number of speeding events were infrequent, suspected mild cognitive impairment was associated with a significant increase in the rate of speeding events for older male drivers, but not for older female drivers.

AARP: The 7 Worst Habits for Your Brain

1. You accentuate the negative

2. You skip your vaccines

3. You drink sugary beverages

4. You have unhealthy sleep habits

5. You crank up your headphones-mild hearing loss was associated with a nearly twofold likelihood of dementia.

6. You regularly take this type of medicine— including tricyclic antidepressants, some overactive bladder medications and some over-the-counter antihistamines

7. You don't have a sense of purpose

Watermelon rinds have an amino acid called citrulline. It can help get rid of nitrogen in your blood and can also help ease pain if you have sore muscles. In fact, the rind has more citrulline than the juicy flesh. If you’re not keen on eating the rind raw, there are other ways to prepare and eat it. You can pickle it, juice it, or stir fry it like a vegetable. Orange peels have an incredible amount of vitamin C -- twice the amount that’s inside the fruit. They’re also packed with vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and riboflavin

 It is known that a build-up of Amyloid plaques in the brain is common in Alzheimer’s patients, but what do they affect? Scientists at Israel’s Ben Gurion University have just found that they are a catalyst to the degradation of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and adrenaline.