
SUBJ: Easy steps to slow aging and grow younger

SUBtitle: Vitamin D, fish oil, and “you are only as old as the person you feel”

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SHORT NOTES: “Positive attitude is more strongly associated with long life than any biomarker” By far the biggest influence on SubjAge is physical health. The effort they put into their current sex life is also in the top 10 (as the saucy joke version of the old saying goes, you are only as old as the person you feel). Take age test here: https://app.young.ai/psychoage;  Fish oil supplementation may slow accelerated aging during and after a stressful event;  EGCG and N-Acetyl-Carnitine are powerful geroprotectors!  Drink your green tea! (and take your Mito-C) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5076455/;  Vitamin D increases Klotho protein levels to promote muscles to regrow and slow aging, particularly with 65+ years old. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210420121430.htm; An 8-week treatment program, which included diet, sleep, exercise and relaxation
guidance, and supplemental probiotics and phytonutrients, reduced DNA age markers by 2 years https://www.aging-us.com/article/202913/text ; A breakthrough discovery in combating obesity reveals that the "mechanism of action of the master switch for hunger” can be controlled by the medication Setmelanotide [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setmelanotide ]; More genes that control aging are identified, SIRT6 for healthy aging  https://www.aging-us.com/article/202755; A 12-week intervention with a supplement of whey and casein protein, ursolic acid, branch-chained amino acids and vitamin D improved walking performance; A potential treatment for the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma has been found



“Positive attitude is more strongly associated with long life than any biomarker”

A lower subjective age is associated with better health and well-being”

A 2018 paper by Antonio Terracciano at Florida State University and his colleagues, looked at data from three studies following more than 17,000 people for up to 20 years. They confirmed that subjective age isn’t just a feeling, but also a pretty accurate predictor of health. “People who feel younger live longer. Those who feel older have a shorter lifespan,” he says. By far the biggest influence on SubjAge is physical health. Two of the top three predictive questions are: “Does your health limit your ability to do vigorous physical exercise such as running or heavy lifting?” and “Are you taking prescription medication to manage your blood pressure?” The second-most influential factor in people’s SubjAge is how satisfying they expect their sex life to be in 10 years’ time. The effort they put into their current sex life is also in the top 10 (as the saucy joke version of the old saying goes, you are only as old as the person you feel). Age test: https://app.young.ai/psychoage


Omega-3 supplementation may slow accelerated aging by altering the body’s response during and after a stressful event, according to study results published in Molecular Psychiatry.


 EGCG and N-Acetyl-Carnitine are powerful geroprotectors!  Drink your green tea! (and take your Mito-C) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5076455/


All in the cohort taking Klotho are experiencing muscles regrow, particularly with 65+ years old. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210420121430.htm

Vitamin D has anti-aging/wellness properties because of its ability to induce klotho, a bona fide anti-senescence protein, and suggesting that optimum levels of vitamin D directly affect anti-aging. Plasma klotho and vitamin D both decrease with age. Higher levels of klotho are associated with lower mortality through lowering the risk of chronic disease, so vitamin D supplementation might have favorable effects on the amount of klotho, longevity and could promote healthy aging.

We report on a randomized controlled clinical trial https://www.aging-us.com/article/202913/text
conducted among 43 healthy adult males between the ages of 50-72. The
8-week treatment program included diet, sleep, exercise and relaxation
guidance, and supplemental probiotics and phytonutrients.  DNAmAge of
those in the treatment group decreased by an average 1.96 years by the
end of the program. To our knowledge, this is the first randomized controlled study to suggest that specific diet and lifestyle interventions may reverse Horvath DNAmAge (2013) epigenetic aging in healthy adult males.

Researchers from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and The Weizmann Institute of Science have collaborated with their British counterparts at Queen Mary University of London to make a breakthrough discovery in combating obesity.  Their work reveals that the "mechanism of action of the master switch for hunger is in the brain," which is confirmed to be the melanocortin receptor 4 (or MC4 for short).  The medication related to MC-4 for obesity is SETMELANOTIDE [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setmelanotide ] (from Charlie Feinstein).

More progress in understanding the genes that control aging.  Ben Gurion University scientist Dr Debra Toiber and her team have identified several genes involved in the aging process. Whereas SIRT6 helps repair DNA to promote healthy aging, other genes cause damage. Eventually we will learn how longevity can be extended, and damage reversed, with targeted gene therapy and interventions.  https://www.aging-us.com/article/202755

 A novel oral nutritional supplement https://www.aging-us.com/article/202912/text included whey and casein protein, ursolic acid, free branch-chained amino acids and vitamin D.  A 12-week intervention with the novel supplement improved walking performance both during short and long distance as compared to a standard supplement, which can largely be explained by increased mitochondrial functioning in the group receiving the novel supplement.

Brain cancer treatment breakthrough. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have discovered a potential treatment for the aggressive brain cancer Glioblastoma. Over-secretion of the protein P-Selectin (SELP) boosts tumor growth. Inhibiting SELP slowed growth and stopped cancer cells migrating to the brain.