210104 notes SUBJ: First news for 2021

See past newsletters here    SHORT NOTES How old are you really? Models of aging were reworked into 15-question long surveys available at Young.AI to enable people to find out estimates of their psychological and subjective age; Minimalism – on Netflix, a great path to happiness; Think Zinc! Fighting Infection and Boosting Your Immune System- lean meats, seafood, nuts, whole grains; requirement 14 mg/day; useful up to 40mg/day MAX; Reactive Oxygen Species: Drivers of Physiological and Pathological Processes; [Get your vitamin C from Triumph and Mito-C]; Moving school start time from 8 to 9am is associated with longer sleep, better diurnal sustained attention, attendance, and improved academic performance; Poor sleep health was positively associated with serious psychological distress, and the magnitude of the association was generally stronger among racial/ethnic minorities;

COVID: Vaccines Matter – If you run into someone who thinks that vaccines don’t matter, refer them to this chart; Reader question -- My husband was taking melatonin -- 3 mg -- regularly as he has difficulty sleeping -  but then stopped because he saw a study showing it can reduce serotonin levels and mess with your mood. ROC response: A 2018 review similarly found that melatonin helped reduce depression symptoms for some people. In addition, a small 2006 study suggests that melatonin may be more beneficial for seasonal affective disorder (SAD). In addition, people taking melatonin are less likely to get COVID!  the fat-busting treatment Fenofibrate (Tricor) proved to kill Covid-19. 1500 Covid-19 patients showed fast recovery and no deaths; Patients receiving opaganib had significantly reduced dependence on ventilators and faster time to discharge;  

Progress Towards the Treatment of Aging as a Medical Condition


Minimalism – on Netflix, a great path to happiness

Positive results for Covid-19 treatment. Preliminary data from Phase 2 trials of opaganib from Israel’s Redhill (reported here previously) on 40 hospitalized Covid-19 patients showed positive results. Patients receiving opaganib had significantly reduced dependence on ventilators and faster time to discharge.

THE Association Between School Start Time and Sleep Duration, Sustained Attention, and Academic Performance
Authors: Alfonsi V, Palmizio R, Rubino A, Scarpelli S, Gorgoni M, D'Atri A, Pazzaglia M, Ferrara M, Giuliano S, De Gennaro L

SLEEP Health and Serious Psychological Distress: A Nationally Representative Study of the United States among White, Black, and Hispanic/Latinx Adults
Authors: Goldstein SJ, Gaston SA, McGrath JA, Jackson CL

REACTIVE Oxygen Species: Drivers of Physiological and Pathological Processes
Authors: Checa J, Aran JM

Hi Roc -- My husband was taking melatonin -- 3 mg -- regularly as he has difficulty sleeping -  but then stopped because he saw a study showing it can reduce serotonin levels and mess with your mood.  During Covid 19, it's been a struggle to keep an upbeat attitude as it is.... so he quit taking the melatonin.  Do you have any ideas on this?  No rush in getting back to us --   Enjoy your holiday - 

A 2018 review similarly found that melatonin helped reduce depression symptoms for some people. In addition, a small 2006 study suggests that melatonin may be more beneficial for seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which involves depression that follows a seasonal pattern.

Fat treatment proved to kill Covid-19. Hebrew University scientists have completed a study of 1500 Covid-19 patients receiving anti-cholesterol treatments. The study showed fast recovery and no deaths. Now a full clinical trial is to commence on the fat-busting treatment Fenofibrate (Tricor) (reported here previously).

Vaccines Matter – If you run into someone who thinks that vaccines don’t matter, refer them to this chart. It very graphically shows that over time, immunizations for measles, mumps, rubella, polio and a garden variety of other diseases – over time – have been managed effectively through the use of vaccines.

The models presented in the publication were reworked into 15-question long surveys available at Young.AI to enable people to find out estimates of their psychological and subjective age. At 72, I tested at 66. Disappointing. 

Think Zinc! Fighting Infection and Boosting Your Immune System, from Linus Pauling Institute; lean meats, seafood, nuts, whole grains; requirement 14 mg/day; useful up to 40mg/day MAX


A Look Back at 2020: Progress Towards the Treatment of Aging as a Medical Condition
