Resolution Ideas for 2021

SUBJ: New Years Health Resolution Ideas 

Here are some ideas for resolutions:

1.     Review your supplement choices, compare to Roc’s, and email him to ask about different choices

2.     Exercise. A daily walk, pushups, sweep the sidewalk?

3.     Relax. Yoga, meditation, tai chi?

4.     Socialize. Call an old friend, write your relatives, plan a zoom.

5.     Educate. Subscrite to a good magazine – the Economist, the New Yorker, Science?

6.     Be grateful. Wake up every day with a happy thought, go to night every night with a kind idea for tomorrow, when you see a bird be thankful for nature?

7.     Be kind to others.  Say a cheerful hello as you pass others at a distance, take a walk where you pick up some trash blowing down the street every Sunday?

Here are my suggestions from a year ago.

Happy New Year!  Being alive is a special gift if we appreciate it joyfully.
