Advances in Nutrition updates Sept and November 2020
Here are notes from Advances in Nutrition for Sept and Nov, 2020. See all nutrition news summaries here:
SHORT NOTES: Tea consumption was shown to have protective effects on some types of cancer; excessive consumption of deep-fried foods is regarded as 1 of the most important epidemiological factors of lifestyle diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity; increased intake of vitamin B-6 and folate is associated with a reduced risk of stroke; higher MedDiet adherence is associated with longer Telomere length; Resveratrol exerts its nephroprotective effects via various mechanisms including reducing oxidative stress and advanced glycation end-product (AGE) production; general recommendation to consume ≥5 servings of vegetables and fruit per day could underestimate the needs of cancer survivors; Ketogenic therapy appears promising in improving both acute and long-term cognition among patients with Alzheimers and Mild cognitive impairment; Diets high in salt are a leading risk for death and disability globally; To promote fruit and vegetable (FV) intake among participants, the USDA Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) implemented a comprehensive food package revision in 2009 that has worked; The prevalence of obesity among youth in the USA is currently >18% with projections that more than half of today's children will be obese as adults. focusing attention on growth parameters during the first 2 y of life, with support for increasing the duration of breastfeeding, and improvements in dietary quality and availability, particularly the reduced consumption of added sugars; Two meals per day compared with 6 meals/d probably reduce Waist Circumference. One meal per day was ranked as the best frequency for reducing Body Weight, followed by 2 meals/d, whereas 2 meals/d performed best for WC; fish consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, mortality and brain-cancer risk; adoption of the DASH diet was accompanied by significant BP reduction in adults with and without hypertension; the Mediterranean diet, fish, and tea could be inversely associated with neurodegenerative disorders; Growing evidence suggests that personality traits play a role in obesity and cardiometabolic health. Recent studies suggest that when we eat, termed “chrono-nutrition,” may be as important to what we eat. Inconsistent timing and frequency of meals have also been linked to increased body weight and worse cardiometabolic health; This study shows the need for healthy, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds to prevent or treat chronic complications; We report consistent effects for Fish oil Supplementation on reaction time, mood, cardiovascular dynamics in cyclists, skeletal muscle recovery, the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α, and postexercise NO responses; Cephalic phase responses do not seem to be biologically meaningful in daily life.
Nov 2020 - Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages, but its association with cancer risk remains controversial and unclear. Tea consumption was shown to have protective effects on some types of cancer, particularly oral cancer.
Although excessive consumption of deep-fried foods is regarded as 1 of the most important epidemiological factors of lifestyle diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, the exact mechanism remains unknown. Here, we describe the molecular implication of ω-6 PUFA-rich vegetable oil-derived hydroxynonenal in lysosomal destabilization leading to cell death. By oxidizing Hsp70.1, both the dietary PUFA- (exogenous) and the membrane phospholipid- (intrinsic) peroxidation product “hydroxynonenal,” when combined, may play crucial roles in the occurrence of diverse lifestyle diseases including Alzheimer's disease.
increased intake of vitamin B-6 and folate is associated with a reduced risk of stroke, supporting the notion that increasing habitual folate and vitamin B-6 intake may provide a small but beneficial effect with respect to stroke.
Accelerated telomere shortening has been associated with several age-related diseases and/or decreased lifespan in humans. The Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) is considered to be 1 of the most recognized diets for disease prevention and healthy aging, partially due to its demonstrated anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties which may impact on telomere length (TL). The present meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies demonstrates that higher MedDiet adherence is associated with longer TL.
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a severe complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). Dietary habits play a major role in determining the onset and progression of DM-related disorders and a proper diet (rich in fruits and vegetables) can delay or prevent the process of DM pathogenesis. Resveratrol exerts its nephroprotective effects via various mechanisms including reducing oxidative stress and advanced glycation end-product (AGE) production, stimulating autophagy, inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and inflammation, ameliorating lipotoxicity, activating the AMP kinase (AMPK) pathway, and modulating angiogenesis.
The number of cancer survivors is growing rapidly worldwide. The general recommendation to consume ≥5 servings of vegetables and fruit per day (∼400 g/d) could underestimate the needs of cancer survivors, particularly those with ovarian tumors, in which the recommendation could increase to ∼600 g/d.
Alzheimer disease (AD) is a global health concern with the majority of pharmacotherapy choices consisting of symptomatic treatment. Recently, ketogenic therapies have been tested in randomized controlled trials (RCTs), focusing on delaying disease progression and ameliorating cognitive function. Ketogenic therapy appears promising in improving both acute and long-term cognition among patients with AD/MCI.
Diets high in salt are a leading risk for death and disability globally. Taxing unhealthy food is an effective means of influencing what people eat and improving population health. Modeling suggests that taxing all foods based on their salt content is likely to have more impact than taxing specific products high in salt given that salt is pervasive in the food chain. However, the limited experience we found suggests that policy-makers favor taxing specific products.
To promote fruit and vegetable (FV) intake among participants, the USDA Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) implemented a comprehensive food package revision in 2009. National and state-level studies showed a consistently positive relation between the 2009 revision and FV purchases and/or consumption.
SEPT 2020 - The prevalence of obesity among youth in the USA is currently >18% with projections that more than half of today's children will be obese as adults. New strategies for primordial prevention of early childhood obesity require focusing attention on growth parameters during the first 2 y of life, with support for increasing the duration of breastfeeding, and improvements in dietary quality and availability, particularly the reduced consumption of added sugars.
Two meals per day compared with 6 meals/d probably reduce Waist Circumference. One meal per day was ranked as the best frequency for reducing Body Weight, followed by 2 meals/d, whereas 2 meals/d performed best for WC.
We aimed to present a comprehensive review of published meta-analyses of prospective cohort studies on the association of fish consumption and the risk of chronic disease. Evidence of moderate quality suggests that fish consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and mortality and, therefore, can be considered as a healthy animal-based dietary source of protein. Omega-3 is especially useful to reduce brain-cancer risk.
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is recognized as an effective dietary intervention to reduce blood pressure (BP). The adoption of the DASH diet was accompanied by significant BP reduction in adults with and without hypertension, although higher daily sodium intake and younger age enhanced the BP-lowering effect of the intervention.
Diet has been hypothesized to be associated with neurodegenerative disorders. The results indicate that the Mediterranean diet, fish, and tea could be inversely associated with neurodegenerative disorders.
Growing evidence suggests that personality traits play a role in obesity and cardiometabolic health. Recent studies suggest that when we eat, termed “chrono-nutrition,” may be as important to what we eat. Findings indicate an inverse relation between conscientiousness and obesity, with people who are more conscientious having a lower risk of obesity. Furthermore, time of day of energy intake has been linked to obesity, since meals consumed in the evening have been associated with lower resting metabolic rate. Inconsistent timing and frequency of meals have also been linked to increased body weight and worse cardiometabolic health. Together, the data indicate that eating meals at the same time every day at regular intervals might be the reason why those who score high in conscientiousness are able to maintain a healthier weight.
This study shows the need for healthy, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant compounds to prevent or treat chronic complications.
The objectives of this systematic review are to: 1) provide a summary of the effect of Fish oil Supplementation on the athlete's physiology, health, and performance; 2) report on the quality of the evidence; 3) document any side effects as reported in the athlete research; 4) discuss any risks associated with FS use; and 5) provide guidance for FS use and highlight gaps for future research. We report consistent effects for FS on reaction time, mood, cardiovascular dynamics in cyclists, skeletal muscle recovery, the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α, and postexercise NO responses. No clear effects on endurance performance, lung function, muscle force, or training adaptation were evident.
Cephalic phase responses (CPRs) are conditioned anticipatory physiological responses to food cues. They occur before nutrient absorption and are hypothesized to be important for satiation and glucose homeostasis. Therefore, CPRs do not seem to be biologically meaningful in daily life.