2nd nutrition notes for August – more hope

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Happy Labor Day.  Tough world now, but hope springs eternal.  Lots of nutrition notes to help us enjoy physical and mental health until better times. All the supplements I take and how to get them [here].

SHORT NOTES-30% to 40% of Dementia Might be Avoided via Lifestyle choices; Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is a well-accepted potentially promising intervention with positive effect on cognition, depressive symptoms and immunological profile; 3 to 5 cups of coffee and tea lower your risk for diabetes and Parkinson’s, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and weight gain; Science insight: we need to look and intervene earlier in brain disease progression. – a reason to use Mito-C!: In 2005, researchers made the surprising discovery that making conjoined twins out of young and old mice — such that they share blood and organs — can rejuvenate tissues and reverse the signs of aging in the old mice. A new study  shows that similar age-reversing effects can be achieved by simply diluting the blood plasma— no young blood needed; Many older adults are being screened for cancer who no longer need to be; intravenous administration of vitamin C (1.5 g every 6 hours), in combination with thiamine and hydrocortisone, was associated with a 79% reduction in mortality in patients with septic shock; Hospitalized patients with malnutrition diagnoses have up to two-fold greater hospital costs for care compared to inpatient stays for adequately nourished patients;  Stress relief pre surgery reduces metastatic risk following colorectal tumor removal; Reducing LDL Cholesterol is the Wrong Target for Cardiovascular Disease. [Take Triumph and Mito-C]; Getting vitamin C and exercise keep telomeres longer and regular physical activity (above 200 minutes a day) provides up to 40% or more mortality risk reduction; Exercise or calorie restriction may be better than rapamycin at extending healthspan; Despite claims, there is no evidence of health benefits from 3,3ʹ-Diindolylmethane Supplementation

LONG NOTESScience 7 Aug pg 637 – Key insight: we need to look and intervene earlier in brain disease progression. – a reason to use Mito-C!

From WebMD: Coffee and tea lower your risk for diabetes and Parkinson’s, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and weight gain; 3 to 5 cups coffee to reduce heart disease by removing calcification, chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and gallstones.

In 2005, University of California, Berkeley, researchers made the surprising discovery that making conjoined twins out of young and old mice — such that they share blood and organs — can rejuvenate tissues and reverse the signs of aging in the old mice. The finding sparked a flurry of research into whether a youngster’s blood might contain special proteins or molecules that could serve as a “fountain of youth” for mice and humans alike. But a new study by the same team shows that similar age-reversing effects can be achieved by simply diluting the blood plasma of old mice — no young blood needed. In the study, the team found that replacing half of the blood plasma of old mice with a mixture of saline and albumin — where the albumin simply replaces protein that was lost when the original blood plasma was removed — has the same or stronger rejuvenation effects on the brain, liver and muscle than pairing with young mice or young blood exchange. Performing the same procedure on young mice had no detrimental effects on their health. This discovery shifts the dominant model of rejuvenation away from young blood and toward the benefits of removing age-elevated, and potentially harmful, factors in old blood.

NIH: Many older adults are being screened for cancer who no longer need to be, a new study shows. Based on a nationwide survey, the study found that at least half of older US adults had received at least one unnecessary cancer screening test in the previous few years. 

One of the most exciting studies over the past few years was from Paul Marik, MD, and colleagues, who reported that intravenous administration of vitamin C (1.5 g every 6 hours), in combination with thiamine and hydrocortisone, was associated with a 79% reduction in mortality in patients with septic shock. For many decades, nutrition-oriented practitioners have been using high-dose vitamin C, both orally and intravenously, to treat a wide range of infectious diseases. Although the clinical benefits of this treatment are obvious to doctors who use it, high-dose vitamin C has never been embraced by the mainstream medical community. The new research was exciting not only because of the dramatic results that were observed, but also because Marik is widely regarded as an authority in the field of critical care medicine. His report created a great deal of interest and spawned more than a dozen randomized controlled trials around the world, most of which are currently in progress.

Hospitalized patients with malnutrition diagnoses have up to two-fold greater hospital costs for care compared to inpatient stays for adequately nourished patients. By contrast, implementation of nutrition care programs for hospitalized adults (nutrition status screening, assessment and diagnosis of malnutrition, oral nutritional supplements provided when indicated) is associated with substantial per-patient, per-episode healthcare savings approaching $4,000.

 Stress relief pre surgery reduces metastatic risk. Tel Aviv University researchers reduced secondary cancer following colorectal tumor removal. Deralin and Etopan were given before and after surgery. 3 years later the cancer had spread significantly less than in a control group. Now pancreatic cancer patients will be tested 

30% to 40% of Dementia Might be Avoided via Lifestyle Choice

Reducing LDL Cholesterol is the Wrong Target for Cardiovascular Disease. [Take Triumph and Mito-C]  Older people, however, exhibit growing levels of oxidized cholesterols such as the toxic 7-ketocholesterol. Even small amounts of these oxidized cholesterols disrupt macrophage function in ways that are otherwise only achievable through very sizable amounts of cholesterol. The macrophages become inflammatory, cease their work, become loaded down with cholesterol, and die. An atherosclerotic lesion is essentially a self-sustaining macrophage graveyard that will keep pulling in and destroying ever more cells, growing larger as it does so.

Telomere length (TL) varies greatly between species. At birth, every human individual has a specific TL that ranges between 5 to 15 kb. Throughout life telomeres shorten continuously with a rate between 20-50 bp due to the end-replication phenomenon, oxidative stress, and other modulating factors. However, telomere shortening rates and consequently also average TL vary amongst different tissue types, which is at least partly explained by tissue-specific proliferation rates. In dividing cells, the end replication problem is an important driver of telomere shortening that can be modified by other factors, such as oxidative stress or inflammation. In postmitotic cells instead oxidative stress can directly damage telomeric DNA and drive cells into senescence. Regular exercise is a well-established approach to reduce the risk of morbidity and premature mortality. Prospective cohort studies demonstrate that men and women who regularly exercise, have a 30% lower all-cause mortality risk than sedentary individuals. In the older persons the beneficial effects of regular physical activity (above 200 minutes a day) are even more pronounced reaching up to 40% or more mortality risk reduction. 

Should rapamycin be prescribed ubiquitously as an anti-aging supplement? 

 The question at the end of the day is whether the effect sizes here are large enough to investigate, in comparison to those that can be obtained via exercise or calorie restriction, given that we know that exercise and calorie restriction have only a limited effect on the shape of human aging.

THE Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is a well-accepted potentially promising intervention with positive effect on cognition, depressive symptoms and immunological profile.  

Despite claims, there is no evidence of health benefits from 3,3ʹ-Diindolylmethane Supplementation