2006 Notes - June

See past newsletters here including poster how to stay youthful. COVID is rebounding wherever people do not wear masks! Black lives matter - Listen, Hear, Action; habitual caffeine intake does not affect cognitive function; Pickles prevent dental plaque; Carotid artery calcifications are important markers for coronary artery disease, stroke, and death. (Mito-C and Triumph remove those plaques); Social environment shapes strong relationships among humans affecting disease risk, longevity, and survival; Get enough sleep: 1) Gray Matter Volume Correlates of Sleepiness. 2)Sleep deprivatiopn harms Decision-Making. 3) 75.4% of college students had poor sleep quality, because of overuse of social media; Cerdelga has been approved for COVID-19 patients by the FDA and Venglustat has been fast-tracked; 125 older amateur cyclists aged preserved muscle mass and strength with age maintaining stable levels of body fat and cholesterol. More surprisingly, youthful  immune systems, and in men, high testosterone levels; A tripeptide attenuated cognitive decline in adults without dementia; bacteria exist inside all types of cancer cells “digesting” and de-activating chemotherapy; correlation was found between the relative percent of cells, within a population which entered senescence following damage, and the lifespan of the species. [Mito-C facilitates apoptosis!]; AGE notes – Astragalus can increase telomerase activity, and has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory, anticancer, hypolipidemic, antihyperglycemic, hepatoprotective, expectorant, and diuretic effects; Fasting is as good as caloric restriction; Chronic inflammation causes aging of the immune system.

LONG NOTES From Kevin Fickenscher from the Center for Action and Contemplation: Listen, Hear, Action

Whether habitual caffeine intake affects cognitive function remains to be tested.

Pickles prevent dental plaque: Israeli scientists from Ben Gurion University working with Chinese scientists have discovered that probiotics produced in the pickling process can slow the buildup of dental plaque.

Carotid artery calcifications detected coincidentally in standard panoramic radiographs of dental patients may be important markers for preventing serious risks such as coronary artery disease, stroke, and death. (Mito-C and Triumph remove those plaques)

Social environment shapes strong relationships among humans affecting disease risk, longevity, and survival. Science368: 843

Get enough sleep: 1) Gray Matter Volume Correlates of Sleepiness. 2) Total and Partial Sleep Deprivation increases Impulsivity and Risk-Taking in Deliberative Decision-Making. 3) 75.4% of college students had poor sleep quality, especially because of overuse of social media.    

As one of these drugs — Cerdelga — has already been approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration and the second — Venglustat — has almost completed the approval process, they may be fast-tracked for use with COVID-19 patients.

The findings, outlined in two papers in the journal Aging Cell, showed that the 125 amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79  preserved muscle mass and strength with age while maintaining stable levels of body fat and cholesterol. More surprisingly, the anti-ageing effects of cycling appeared to extend to the immune system. In men, testosterone levels remained high.
 We previously showed that Met-Lys-Pro (MKP), a casein-derived angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory peptide with the potential to cross the blood–brain barrier, attenuated cognitive decline in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. This is the first study to report the effects of MKP on human cognition. These preliminary results suggested the safety of daily MKP intake and its potential to improve orientation in adults without dementia.

Researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have discovered that bacteria exist inside all types of cancer cells. They protect the cancer by “digesting” and de-activating chemotherapy. These anti-cancer treatments may be made more effective by targeting or manipulating the bacteria.

We found a significant positive correlation was found between the relative percent of cells, within a population which entered senescence following damage, and the lifespan of the species. [Mito-C facilitates apoptosis!]

AGE notes - Astragalus: Pharmacological research indicates that the extract component of Astragalus membranaceus can increase telomerase activity, and has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory, anticancer, hypolipidemic, antihyperglycemic, hepatoprotective, expectorant, and diuretic effects. A proprietary extract of the dried root of Astragalus membranaceus, called TA-65, was associated with a significant age-reversal effect in the immune system (I am considering taking this) ; Fasting is as good as caloric restriction; Chronic inflammation causes aging of the immune system, producing more myeloid and fewer lymphoid immune cells. Lymphoid make B-, T-, and natural killer cells; Ashwaganda - Withania somnifera Root Extract Enhances Telomerase Activity in the Human HeLa Cell Line. Roc comments: But that seems it would enhance tumor cells as well, increasing cancer risk;  Acarbose extends healthspan, but is not as effective as metformin.  It  is an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, a type of drug that helps control glucose levels by slowing your body's digestion of carbohydrates (starches and sugars) in food. The medicine is used along with diet and exercise, and is sometimes combined with other drugs.