Nutrition Consensus Site Content Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: Welcome to the Nutrition Consensus website. I am pleased to share with you the information I have compiled from experts and scientific citations. Please read this disclaimer. By Federal law, I cannot give nutritional advice to you. This site provides information for you to discuss with your physician. Health claims for nutrients must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, an expensive process rarely used for nutrients. Information and materials produced here are not intended to provide any form of medical information or advice.  They are presented for general information only. You must not rely on any of the information and materials presented here for any medical, diagnostic or treatment reasons whatsoever or for any other purpose other than information purposes without the prior express written consent of Roc Ordman, Ph.D. Roc disclaims any and all liability for any injury or other damages resulting from the review or use, by you or anyone else, of any information or materials obtained on this site Nutrition Any person reviewing the information and materials presented here should obtain specific medical advice and answers to specific medical questions relating to their respective personal situation, by a health professional of their choosing.  This site provides direct links to other Internet sites that are not developed, maintained, or monitored by Dr. Ordman. Dr. Ordman does not endorse those sites and is not responsible for the content of such other sites. Sincerely, Roc “Nutrition Investigator” 

COMMENT: There is lots of research that shows just reading the nutrition news regularly is beneficial to your health. Exercise, good nutrition, and relaxation will help us all enjoy life. Readers are encouraged to subscribe to the Nutrition Consensus Newsletter and the Nutrition Investigator Newsletters. Send an email to SUBJ: send newsletters.